How Do You Spell L CELL?

Pronunciation: [ˈɛl sˈɛl] (IPA)

The spelling of "L cell" may appear straightforward, but its phonetic pronunciation may not be as obvious. The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription for "L cell" is /ɛl sɛl/. The first syllable is pronounced with the "eh" sound as in "bet." The second syllable is pronounced with the "eh" sound again, followed by the "l" sound. This spelling is important when communicating about specific cells in the human body, such as the "L cells" found in the intestines that produce hormones to regulate appetite.

L CELL Meaning and Definition

  1. L Cell:


    1. A type of endocrine cell found in the stomach and pancreas that secretes the hormone gastrin. The L cells in the stomach are primarily responsible for regulating the secretion of gastric acid and pepsinogen, which aid in the digestion of food. In the pancreas, the L cells contribute to the regulation of glucose levels by producing glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP).

    2. A specialized neuron found in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus, which is involved in visual perception and processing. The L cells receive input from the retinal ganglion cells and transmit information to various regions of the visual cortex, playing a crucial role in discriminating visual stimuli such as movement, depth, and contrast.

    3. An abbreviation for "Lawrence cell," a type of electrolytic cell used in scientific experiments and industrial processes. The Lawrence cell consists of two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte solution and is commonly employed for measuring electrical conductivity or performing electrochemical reactions.

    In conclusion, "L cell" refers to different types of cells depending on the context. These include the endocrine cells that secrete gastrin and glucagon-like peptide-1 in the stomach and pancreas, the neurons involved in visual perception in the thalamus, and a type of electrolytic cell for scientific and industrial applications.

Common Misspellings for L CELL

  • p cell
  • l xell
  • l vell
  • l fell
  • l dell
  • l cwll
  • l csll
  • l cdll
  • l crll
  • l c4ll
  • l c3ll
  • l cekl
  • l cepl
  • l ceol
  • l celk
  • l celp
  • l celo
  • kl cell
  • lk cell
  • pl cell

Etymology of L CELL

The term "L cell" is derived from the word "enteroendocrine cell".

The prefix "entero-" is derived from the Greek word "enteron", which means "intestine" or "gut". This prefix is commonly used in biology and medicine to refer to different structures or functions related to the intestines.

The word "endocrine" comes from the Greek word "endon", meaning "within" or "inside", and the Greek word "krinein", meaning "to separate" or "to secrete". It is used to describe glands or cells that release substances (hormones) directly into the bloodstream or surrounding tissues, as opposed to exocrine glands that release substances through ducts.

Therefore, "enteroendocrine" refers to cells found in the intestines or gut that secrete hormones.

Plural form of L CELL is L CELLS